• The Formula
  • Consumer Insight
  • White Space
  • Brand Constant

The formula

X = A ( Consumer Insight) (B+C

(White Spaces + Brand’s Constant)

In Summary, X = A(B+C)


We don’t just look at the business problem, we look beyond it, till we can see in clear, simple terms, what is the consumer problem behind the business problem. Adapting the thinking behind one of the most popular formulas in mathematical circles, dy/dx, we put ourselves in the shoes of the consumer and look at brands, businesses and solutions with the lenses of the end user.

White spaces

Opportunities will always exist in any market. Sometimes, it’s less obvious to the untrained eye and that’s why we go the extra length, taking an eagle’s view to look at competitive industries, scanning them till we can see through their bones. This aids us in finding opportunities yet untapped that consumers are yearning for

Brand constant

At the heart of every brand is its DNA, a thing that makes it unique. It could lie hidden in the brand’s history or in its manufacturing process, but that’s not all. It could also be something that appeals to the consumer’s senses – its rough edges, punchy taste, mellow smell or how quickly that product solves the consumer’s problem, it really could be anything. We delight in probing till we find what makes a brand actually tick.